GrabCAD Shop

The 3D printing Shop management solution. AM managers can setup a collaborative environment to track and manage their team’s 3D printing backlogs, utilization and costs.

3D Printing Management Software for Managers

GrabCAD Shop is a web-based 3D printing management platform from Stratasys which lets you manage all additive and subtractive prototyping requests in ONE platform, for the entire company.

By using GrabCAD Shop, you’ll…

Know who on your team is printing and how much.
Know which print jobs are scheduled, upcoming, overdue and urgent.
Know exactly where you have to put your print Shop's effort, to meet upcoming deadlines.
Know how much your print jobs will cost.
Know how many iterations your parts required to get form, fit, function, appearance right.

How It Works

Shop Managers set up a company-specific portal, choosing which machines, materials and permissions are available.
Invited Engineers upload files for printing, specifying need-by dates and special instructions.
Operators get automatically notified of new orders and start processing them.
Everyone is kept up-to-date of the status of their 3D printing jobs, without needing to email anyone else.

GrabCAD Shop Helps Engineering Managers...

  • Manage, control and report on engineering and project budgets.
  • Manage and control project timelines and dependencies.
  • Manage iterations quickly to an acceptable design.

In contrast, GrabCAD Shop also relieves managers’ responsibilities by giving print operators more independence to do what they do best -- print quality parts.

Shop Management Features Managers Can Rely On

Managers rely on GrabCAD Shop to alleviate print operator mundane tasks, help them be more efficient, and help them manage their backlogs better. Managers and print operators have insight on who is printing and what materials engineers are using with a comprehensive set of additive manufacturing tools and features.

Access Control

Shop managers can manage and control who has access to shops, technologies and materials. Users only have access to the shops they are invited to.

Organized Requests

The operator dashboard helps you easily keep track of where requests come from — by engineer, by project, or by team.

Simplified Scheduling

A delayed part can ruin production and assembly flows. GrabCAD Shop simplifies scheduling by allowing you to easily view needby dates and schedule parts for an on time delivery date.

Cost Tracking

We make it easy for you to track your 3D printing costs. Print operators can simply input price estimations in the price fields for each work order. This allows you to view the total cost of all projects submitted to your shop.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our solution is an off-the-shelf solution that requires minimum setup. GrabCAD Shop is also less manual and designed for the additive manufacturing environment so you waste less time on unimportant tasks.

Please visit our Compare page to see a comparison between GrabCAD Shop and other common solutions.
Managers can review every work order in the Operator Dashboard and select project statuses to reflect if the project has been approved or not.
Administrators can designate which machines and materials are available for specific shops. Once invited to that shop, engineers will only be able to select from the listed materials.
No! Because GrabCAD Shop is a web-based application, all updates will appear as soon as you log in. We’re constantly making improvements to ensure our software is fulfilling all of your needs.
We take your models and projects seriously. Your data is stored on our AWS instances so you don't need to worry about security or storage. We also follow GDPR guidelines to manage user info and data.

Please visit our Security page for more information on how we keep your data safe.

What Our Customers Are Saying About Us